...and they're apparently breeding...or at least engaging in foreplay.
The following is from "Seymour's" myLot profile, from one of his discussions... Remember, my fake account is "
crazeedood916." how often you do "Cunninglingus"  |
Will it be fine if anyone involves in "Cunninglingus" and how often you do it. Some doctors have told that it has some side effects and would surely affect our mouth.So it is of no use to claim that it is veryu healthy ang hygenic and to the extent we shall be affected by some diseases. Do you relaly enjoy and whether your life partner would allow you for that to go or else do y ou like to compel them to do like that and which one you like either you want to do or you want them top do or eithe rof that and would want to do for .longer time or shorter period of time.
|  do you like me or somehting
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1. gabrifvg (76) | 8 hours ago | i try doing it as often as i can... i really enjoy it, and i'm sure there are no negative effects for health, that just sounds stupid
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2. graceandowen (937) | 8 hours ago | i dont think there are any side effects any worse than actually having intercorse. A s a female i enjoy recieving it. its a mutal enjoyment in our realtionship, we both enjoy reciving oral stimulation.
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3. crazeedood916 (4) | 3 hours ago | I tried it with a partner once and I developed trenchfoot on my tongue.
I'm never doing it again.
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MizzRandi39 (24) | 3 hours ago | I don't think u should completely stop doing that just because of one illness u got from it, or one bad experience... PPle don't stop having sex because they might get some sort of STD or infection. It's not really all that diff than catching a cold or the flu from someone, just like those, most STD's are cureable, and if not, just be more careful, but don't just throw in the towel forever.
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4. Mainframeguy (137) | 3 hours ago | You are nut sto think it will affect your oral health. You'll suffer more from eating a bar of chocolate! HMMMMmmm reminds me of Marian Faithful and the Mars Bar! You sound like an Indian guy with hang ups and a lack of information - visit your sex therapist with these questions.... or Google Marian Faithful and MArs Bars!
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5. myahw20 (489) | 1 hour ago | I think it's safe as long as you two are clean haha.
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tigertang (1245) | 46 minutes ago | Ah, hear lies the rub. Oral sex is fantastic. I love going down on a woman. It's probably the most enjoyable part about the whole act of sex when you can actually feel her body go through some changes as she gets more and more aroused.
However, an unwashed vagina, particularly one that smells bad is a horrible place to be. Yech! OK, I've not caught anything nasty from going down to that department but I've actually experienced a girl who smelt very bad in that department and I think put me off even thinking about sex for quite a while.
I know its the same for girls when they go down on guys. I mean our body is unfortunately built in such a way where it disposes of filthy water through the instruments that give us the most pleasure. However, that's simply a fact of biology and I guess we just got to live with that fact of life.
I think showering or having a bath should be a key element of foreplay. Both parties can enjoy a good fondle in water and more importantly, you know that the other party has made it an effort to clean themselves in a part of their body that is unfortunately exposed to something unclean on a fairly regular basis. I think if that were to happen, you'll find couples more willing to go down on each other and thus improve their sex lives.
I love the idea that someone believed that I could get trenchfoot on my tongue from oral.
What a terrible terrible world that would be to live in...
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