In case it's gone, here is a copy of the advert: -

An intriguing notion it puts forward and I was compelled to follow it.
So, here is what happened...
Well first I was met with the inspiring:
"The Prophesied End-Time Revealed"
So far, so good...
Apparently many prophecies are about to be fulfilled "especially the Seven Thunders of the Book of Revelation, which the apostle John saw but was restricted from recording."
Hmm, curious.
This site gives a grim surmise of the impending third and "last" world war, as well as the fall of America.
The fall of America? At least it's not all bad then...(I kid)
According to the site Ronald Weinland (the author of the book being flogged) has been "sent by God" to "the people of the three major religions of the world (Islam, Judaism and Christianity), whose roots are in the God of Abraham."
The website has a link to download the book for free, which I've done and I'll be reviewing it later.
The image above links to the site where you can get a hold of it yourself, but if you don't particularly want to endure Ronald Weinland's ramblings, stay tuned and I'll review it's contents for you.
Until then...
The writer has been proved (many times) to be a false prophet. He is ruining the lives of his followers.
More info can be found at these debunking sites :-
Thanks for the links. I'll check them out after I've reviewed the book ^_^
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