Friday, 11 July 2008

An idea to benefit Deaf/Blind people

It's just a though that occurred to me but I get the feeling that it's a doable one.

Below is an idea that will allow deaf and blind people to interact with their surroundings (or at the very least be more aware of them).

What I'm proposing is a kind of Braille-suit. (Bear with me on this...)

What I'm proposing is a lightweight suit which covers the person's skin. In the skin of this suit is a collection of blunt pins. Also mounted on to the suit is a system of sonar. In response to the local environment pins in the suit prod the skin of the person wearing it, thereby giving them an idea of the surroundings.

To speak, a speaker connects to microbuttons in the fingers of the gloves of the suit. Using their thumb, the person taps various parts of their fingers, in which the buttons are. As a result, the speaker speaks for them, rather like the system Stephen Hawking uses for his chair.

Naturally, it isn't ideal...but surely it's a step up from what deaf/blind people live like now?

If only I had the technical knowledge to develop this. If someone much smarter than me feels like helping me out with this, let me know.

Come to think of it, I imagine the army would be interested in this...for covert operations and whatnot...If they funded it, I'm sure it'd be finished in no time...


Anonymous said...
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HearMeRoar said...

If you don't mind my asking, how is this insulting?

I do apologise if I've offended you but I'm trying to be productive.