Sunday, 27 July 2008
Filming in a field...
It was a simple enough affair, a four camera setup, shooting as-live as the band played in a field in front of a roaring drum-fire.
It went pretty well over-all. I was doing my usual thing with the camera and I got some wonderful shots in the process (which I hope to post some screencaps of in a later entry.) The fire gave us some wonderful lighting effects and I was pleasantly surprised by how well it came out.
I ended up helping out the sound guy too as I was the most qualified for it there, apparently. We have to go back though and do pick-ups next week as the first few audio tracks were somehow lost. That being said, after looking at the awful software he was using, it wouldn't have surprised me if I'd done something similar, had I been doing it instead of him. I may have to badger PC world to get my laptop back to me sharpish. Maybe then we can run the sound through mine, something I know to be wholly reliable.
Anyhow, the crew I was with was a good one and was a vast improvement on the folks I've worked with in the past.
I spoke to a few of the members of the band too and they seemed keen on working with me again...which means organising some business cards.
I may commission Caz to do those for me. I could do them myself but she's a professional in that particular field and I'm just a Photoshop junkie.
It also means that I'm going to have to get my website sorted. At the moment it looks awful, so I'm going to have to get my finger out and make another attempt to learn Dreamweaver or something.
Oh well, I'll do all of that when I don't feel so tired.
The shoot went on until late last night and I slept like a baby...without the betwetting and crying. So really I slept like a heavily sedated baby.
In somewhat related news I'm still waiting on details of the last music video I did. I worked with a guy called Ben to shoot this Gig somewhere in Shrewsbury. The thing is the guy's entirely unreliable and an utter primadonna, meaning that at the rate he seems to be going there wont be much point putting the gig on my CV as it'll be a miracle if it gets done.
I should have been the one to author it. It would have been done by now. The gig in question was two monthes ago and by all accounts it should have been finished long before now...or at least it would have if I'd been doing it.
Still, there's no sense getting too annoyed over it. I'll ring him and badger him for details.
Also, with this new crew I've hooked up with I should have more work heading my way and the crew in question are reliable, professional and generally good guys. I certainly hope I get more work with them.
Speaking of which, I'd better go. The director is popping by today to drop equipment off and I need to make myself decent.
Have fun kids,
Tuesday, 22 July 2008
Another way to make easy money
So naturally I've been looking for ways to supplement my income, no matter how much or by how little.
I've found a few good ways and I'm going to share one with you. It's ludicrously easy and it works on a simple principle:
They pay you for doing things that you would ordinarily do, that it would ordinarily cost them money to go out and ask you to do.
The cost-cutting and laziness of big business is a good enabler to those who want to earn a little extra revenue from home and this method is a fairly good one.
It's a search engine that pays you to use it and it uses yahoo as it's engine (which is a competitive and reliable engine). Up until now I used google, but for some extra income I'm happy to switch.
Before I give you the link to it, I'll explain what happens;
You are given a homepage with a search bar. This search bar can be used from this page to generate revenue and it can also be added to any toolbars that you usually use for searching.
In addition, on this homepage (which you don't really have to use) you can add free gadgets. I've added a facebook one, a wikipedia one, a translater and a currency converter. With that as my homepage, I've made things simpler for myself. There are many more gadgets which can be added but I'll let you discover them on your own.
After this is setup (and it literally takes less than a minute), you're good to go.
In addition, you also get some revenue for others who join up from a referral you give out. (Naturally I'd appreciate it if you would sign up using my own referral but below you will find non-referred means of signing up also.)
Firstly, for those who are eager to give this a try (it's dead easy and there's no obligation to use it and it requires no effort at all to use or to get rid of either) please click this link and stick in your details.
This link will take you to the homepage that I set up (clicking that generates no revenue but you should be able to sign up from there without generating referral revenue for me).
It's pretty simple and using the search box on that page will generate me income (go on, give it a go. Search for anything) You don't have to actually click on any search results. Simply having searched is enough.
Naturally there is a great deal of temptation to cheat at this. The idea had occurred to me to use GhostMouse (an amazing application that saves you doing many tedious repetitive tasks) to do it. All I would need to do is to record it to open up a random word generator, copy the test, put it in to the search box and repeat the process...but I thought better of it. As to what you do, I'll leave that to your conscience. (Although I did experiment with it. Leaving it overnight, I got it to do 121 searches for me, but there was some kind of problem and the mouse-loop got interrupted so it could have really been any number higher than that. I wont be doing it anymore though.)
Anyhow, on to the gadgets.
(Many apologies, but do to blogger's interface, the right side of this has been cut off). You can find the full image here:

The above are the gadgets that I've installed, although there are many more. You can get feeds from news stations, play mp3 playlists (one of which I might put together for you all later, as it uses the same system as the mp3 player to the left of this blog) and other clobber.
They're all rather useful, methinks. I'll certainly be making use of the free texting. I suggest you try it, just for that feature.
Lastly, there is the subject of referrals.
It's easy to do, firstly. You an send referrals by email or by giving people a link (such as I have above).
Doing so is worth your time as the amount of revenue you can generate from doing so is quite impressive.
For example, if you refer just 10 friends to use a search box for themselves, they will earn funds from their searches as you do from yours. They share the funds raised 50/50 with you and your friends. Also, they will pay you some of their 50% from your friends searches in return for you referring them to the program. You can refer as many friends, family or colleagues as you want.
As you can imagine, your friends will want to refer their friends and you can benefit from that too. They will reward you for three 'levels' of friends. The same will apply to your friends. Everyone wins, which is nice. Though you should remember that the funds you earn from your friends searches do not come from yours or your friends 50%, but from the site's 50% in reward for your referrals.
I'd originally...borrowed...the code for the example that they give on their page, but I'm afraid it didn't work. Here is a link to it with a nice graphical representation of of much you could make from it.
In short, this is easy and lucrative. It will make you money and require no effort whatsoever. Even if it somehow doesn't work, there's nothing to lose whatsoever.
If you already use Yahoo as your search engine (If you use BT Internet, their default is Yahoo) then you should definitely use this, as it will not change your search engine.
If you're using Firefox (a much better browser than internet explorer or yahoo explorer) then you can ad this search engine along with your others, meaning you still have google (and some such).
So give it a go. It's easy, free and with no catches...all because of corporate laziness.
If you found this useful, would you kindly please use my referral link.
That's this link here ---->
However, you can sign up from the site's main page (and it will not refer you through me.)
If you do sign up using my referral however, please let me know and I'll see if I can do something to make it up to you.
Have fun kids and Good Luck,
Friday, 11 July 2008
The world is ending? Surely not...
In case it's gone, here is a copy of the advert: -

An intriguing notion it puts forward and I was compelled to follow it.
So, here is what happened...
Well first I was met with the inspiring:
"The Prophesied End-Time Revealed"
So far, so good...
Apparently many prophecies are about to be fulfilled "especially the Seven Thunders of the Book of Revelation, which the apostle John saw but was restricted from recording."
Hmm, curious.
This site gives a grim surmise of the impending third and "last" world war, as well as the fall of America.
The fall of America? At least it's not all bad then...(I kid)
According to the site Ronald Weinland (the author of the book being flogged) has been "sent by God" to "the people of the three major religions of the world (Islam, Judaism and Christianity), whose roots are in the God of Abraham."
The website has a link to download the book for free, which I've done and I'll be reviewing it later.
The image above links to the site where you can get a hold of it yourself, but if you don't particularly want to endure Ronald Weinland's ramblings, stay tuned and I'll review it's contents for you.
Until then...
A nice way to make cash from doing very little
Well I've been taking part in a method of making cash with little to no effort. This naturally sounds too good to be true but it's simple as to how it works.
Well I'm a member of a survey website which pays for opinions. If I do one survey a day, in my spare time I get some spare cash collecting up. Do an hour's worth and you've got a couple of pounds/dollars to play with.
I'm doing something that ordinarily companies send people out to do. They get to sit back and let me do their work for them and I have free time which I'd otherwise spent bored.
So overall it's a nice trade methinks. The surveys are rather quick (I've done surveys labelled as 20 minutes long in half of that time) and they're dead easy. If you find yourself having spare time and you jsut need something to do then sign up. There's no loss to doing it. you simply make some cash in exchange for having something to do...answering easy questions.
Anyhow, click here to find the site.
You can also make a few pennies more by inviting other people, but you can get by without doing that. The above link is a referral from me and I would be grateful if you could use that link to sign up please.
This link is without the referall, in case you don't want to earn me a few pennies ^_^
That link will take you to the home page of the company.
A Note - This isn't by any means a good way to be your sole income. It's just something nice to spend time and make a handful of cash. I certainly recommend giving it a go.
Have fun kids.
An idea to benefit Deaf/Blind people
Below is an idea that will allow deaf and blind people to interact with their surroundings (or at the very least be more aware of them).
What I'm proposing is a kind of Braille-suit. (Bear with me on this...)
What I'm proposing is a lightweight suit which covers the person's skin. In the skin of this suit is a collection of blunt pins. Also mounted on to the suit is a system of sonar. In response to the local environment pins in the suit prod the skin of the person wearing it, thereby giving them an idea of the surroundings.
To speak, a speaker connects to microbuttons in the fingers of the gloves of the suit. Using their thumb, the person taps various parts of their fingers, in which the buttons are. As a result, the speaker speaks for them, rather like the system Stephen Hawking uses for his chair.
Naturally, it isn't ideal...but surely it's a step up from what deaf/blind people live like now?
If only I had the technical knowledge to develop this. If someone much smarter than me feels like helping me out with this, let me know.
Come to think of it, I imagine the army would be interested in this...for covert operations and whatnot...If they funded it, I'm sure it'd be finished in no time...
A conversion to Atheism - Video
See below: -
I thoroughly recommend visiting his site. It's informative and interesting.
Thursday, 10 July 2008
Store Archive
If you've been directed here, it's likely from my Store link on the left.
The following images are only examples of how the designs available can be implemented. For the most part, these designs are available on dark (as well as light) fabrics, with many sizes. Not only this, but such things as clocks, mugs, tiles, mouse mats and other stuff is available. Clicking on the image will take you to the shop front, not the item in particular.
I'll update this as I add more things.

More to come...eventually...
New clobber up for grabs
As a result, I've got several new stores open, hopefully so that I can make some cash to pay my way through uni...or at least help towards it.
Anyhow, see here for the available clobber. Clicking on the images will take you to the store. I've done versions of each of the images for black clothing also.
...Aren't I lovely?

There are many types of clothing and merchandise available and it's pretty good quality methinks (I've bought from them before). I've set the prices to reasonable too (and if you're not american, their slump in their economy makes for ludicrously good exchange rates at the moment)
Right, I'm off for now. The next time I post should be from Stoke. I've got to go for a job interview there next week so I'm heading home this weekend ^_^
Have fun folks
Saturday, 5 July 2008
They're not even paying attention...
Behold, Seymour's latest offering...(Remember, he's "crazeedood916." I'll make his entry and the response to it bold)
trust in jesus!!!
jesus777 (276) ranked 92 out of 764 in christian
1 day ago
trust in the lord and lean not unto your own understanding in all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your path when you allow jesus to lead you cant go wrong trust in him lean on his word and allow him to be god in your lin your life he says that he will be your very present time of trouble so whatever you as facing whatever you are going through remember god is god he doesnt change people change things change but god id still god him and his word dont change just continue to be strong in the lord and in the power of his might saints of god!!!!farther god in the name of jesus i lift up your children today your believers in the lord jesus christ lord those eho have lost faith those who have lost hope give them the strength too stand and allow them too trust in you in spite of what they are facing and going through move by your power and your might in jesus name i pray i pray amen. bless these people of god today and show them your love your peace and your joy today lord help them to remember that is only through you that they can make it so help them too trust in you at all times no matter what it looks like in jesus name i pray amen and amen!!!!!!! bless them bless them bless them in jesus name!!!!! increase there faith increase them in every part of there body lord if they need a healing today i ask that you touch them today if they need finaces i pray that you bless them too meet to meet there needs in jesus name i pray amen!!!!
+ - !
bible verse in psalms
User has not selected a best response.
respond to this discussion
trust in the lord jesus christ, i need to trust jesus, trusting god, god, jesus
var textBoxArray= new Array();textBoxArray[0]= 'ctl00_cphMainContent_discussiontags1_tbNewTags';textBoxArray[1]= 'ctl00_cphMainContent_discussiontags1_tbTags';startPreventPaste(textBoxArray, 'In order to help prevent spam, only users with a rating greater than 500 are allowed to paste. If your rating is greater than 500 and you still cannot paste logout and sign back in.');
1. hopejordan (1877)
1 day ago
hi there jesus777 i know that i have been away from the lord for 5 months and i have done something wrong god knows about i became a born again christain 6 years ago one of them is gambling and something else i won't mention only god knows i have not been reading the word and i am in Australia i have 2 children and i have hashmotoes diease and other things begun happening take care god bless you and i have not been in church for 5 months
+ - !
jesus777 (276) ranked 92 out of 764 in christian
1 day ago
farther god in the name i lift up this person before you lord you know were they have been and were they are going jesus you are healer i ask that you touch there body i know you are able too relomve all sickness and disease so i ask that you touch then from head too toe that your healing virtue will flow through them now in jesus name father god i pray that you draw them close to you have your way in there lives even now move by your holy spirit in and through them even though they strayed i pray that they will come back you because you are the only way that they can live move and breath and have there being have your way right now in jesus name i pray amen!!!!!!
+ - !
hopejordan (1877)
23 hours ago
something happened to me the other morning early a man was outside my window i did not know he was there and i opened the curtain a little and he was standing outside my window i was so scared was god trying to warn me that someone was outside it was at 1.30am and i am still scared a bit not like yesterday and i know he can't hide from god thanks again for the prayer
+ - !
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2. Reyah23 (110) ranked 385 out of 764 in christian
23 hours ago
I agree with jesus777, the Lord is our strong anchor in the middle of the storm. He will never let us down. A strong foundation. And no one can destroy or break its wall. Trusting God always, and walk with faith in our heart this is what we are suppose to do.
+ - !
hopejordan (1877)
12 hours ago
hi there Reyah23 and i know jesus is strong nothing can bring him down not even the enemy i know satan has a short time here and he is trying anything to bring god's people down i know god is stronger then satan i am scared that i am going to hell i hope i don't but god knows already where i am going you knew before the beginning of time take care god bless you
+ - !
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3. crazeedood916 (5)
22 hours ago
Truer of all, the Lord hath said: "Seek in all things proper punctuation. Do this and you shall be understood." The heard this and understood. Then the Lord did say: "I am infinite, but in this truth it must be understood. Start at the beginning and end at the end, with capital letters and full stops. Do this and you will be understood." The people understood and saw that it was good. The Lord finally said unto the people, "I am infinite in all things. I know all and see all. I both know and am infinite truth and love. In this I knew my children would stray from the path and I knew that only in that can you find the path. Do not be mindless and trust in your own heart, for only then will you be truly my children and not cattle." The people were disturbed by being asked to think for themselves and declared him a heretic. Amen.
hopejordan (1877) [The response]
12 hours ago
hi there crazeedood916 yes i need to trust in the lord i have back slidden this is my second time now that i have back slidden its scary when it happens i was saved 6 years ago take care and god bless you
What do you have to do, exactly? And what does it mean to have "back slidden?"
Arrgghh...lunatics, the lot of them!
Friday, 4 July 2008
More awful poetry
...I'm glad I'm using a fake identity. I post this only in the name of science...
A curious infraction in plight of jest,
When woe betide at her behest,
In grim staccato in turn I find,
Her silky touch has made me blind.
Raptured by her sly beguile,
And led astray all through the while,
By the collar I was led,
And all because she gave good head.
The scheming fiend has come and gone,
Into the night she went anon,
And folk will ask "Where did she go?"
Buried, as she is, under the patio...
Methinks I'll try some more. As usual, if you want to see more click the link, join up (and earn me $0.00000001 or something) and help me antagonise lunatics and morons.
Have fun kids,
The plight of morons
The following is from "Seymour's" myLot profile, from one of his discussions... Remember, my fake account is "crazeedood916."
how often you do "Cunninglingus" | |||||||||
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I love the idea that someone believed that I could get trenchfoot on my tongue from oral.
What a terrible terrible world that would be to live in...
Web Review - "myLot"
Today's offering is a website I found promising to make me "piles of money."
Actually, I made that last bit up, but it did offer to make me money by doing very little.
Naturally this was too good to be true so I jumped at the chance to figure out how I could have some fun with it.
Well first I'll break down how it works: -
The website is a collection of discussions, not unlike a forum...except with badly spelt topics and adverts exactly like a forum.
The idea is that you respond to topics and create your own "discussions" and in the process earn money.
So I signed up and input my interests as asked, and what a pile there were.
I was first asked to specify what "roles I play in life." A curious question, but I obliged.
It's immediately obvious that users input these options themselves, being as they are mispelled and repeated frequently. There is a benefit to this however. You see, I've discovered something and that is that the internet is full of lunatics...
...Lunatics who believe they're vampires, for example.
Now there's a role in life I like the sound of. Then it occurs to me. I shouldn't be putting in my real interests, not when there is such a variety of fun to be had with the crackpots that undoubtedly use this site.
Cue my alternate identity,
Seymour Stúf.
So I gave up on this folly and set up a new account...Firstly I refer myself so I can make that whole twelfth of a penny...or whatever it is.
Once done, I need to think of a nickname to go by. Obviously I can't use HearMeRoar. It's taken...and simply not "l33t" enough so I go with the ultra cool crazeedood916.
Obviously this name signifies that I am in fact "crazee," and a "dood." There's no way people wont like this guy.
Once that's taken care of, I get given the chance to invite my friends, which I skip.
Ahh, now the fun bit. I get to pick my interests.
So, who is Seymour Stúf?
Obviously he can't be too much like me.
So, he's a crazy, friendly Christian, as well as being and avid gamer and interested in Sisters.
He's an optimistic american from Canada who likes to flirt and describes himself as a "child of god..."whatever that is...which must make him the Messiah.
He's a motivator and a concerned human (being the Messiah and all). He is a self-confessed weirdo and philosopher.
He likes stay-at-home mothers (for some reason), sitting on babies and "encouraging others to be more open-minded in life." Yes, that's an interest.
He's keen on grandmothers, sexual partners and smoking. Whether they're all the same or seperate, I'll leave to future to decide. He hopes one day to be a bi-sexual witch.
He also describes himself as a dumb-blond and as a sexy, catholic, feminist, dorky, psychic, vampire laundry-maid.
He's also a "sewer.crocheter," whatever that is and he researches the paranormal on the side.
...Sounds like a lovely bloke.
This great effort was only step one of the site's helpful wizard. Now on to step two.
Products I use...
Well Seymour loves his make-up, shoes, scented candles and flip-flops and would be lost without ariel detergent.
Step three; hobbies.
Other than sleeping and writing (sometimes both at once), he can be found engaging in religion. He likes cuddling new people and helping others (apparently signified by a symbol depicting a dancing duckling).
He's a poet (almost as good as me, in fact) and likes free stuff, along with thunder storms and manga.
He likes "chillin," chilling being far too uncool for Seymour to engage in. He likes marijuana and vampires and "think about life."
Next step *groan* is "foods," which I rush through. After that is "pets." Incidentally, he has a pet tiger and a ferret.
After this is "Music."
Well he loves Justin Timberlake and Fallout Boy...No proper music for him, it's filth all the way!
The sections get less interesting at this point so I'll omit them, moving on to the meat and bones of the site...the discussions.
In this section of the website, the user is presented with several options including "Top discussions" and "Discussions based on interests."
Some clicking later and I'm presented with an array of topics apparently suited to things I'm interested in: -
discussions from my interests |
![]() christian (81) |
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![]() sleeping (600) |
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![]() human (160) |
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![]() paranormal (264) |
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![]() sex (281) |
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![]() internet (101) |
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![]() religion (53) |
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![]() rihanna (21) |
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![]() shoes (24) |
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![]() blogging (411) |
Clearly this is a selection of the internet's finest minds and I owe it to myself to learn more from these wise folk. So I decide to get involved in a really meaty and important discussion, a true challenge of one's beliefs, "who's more famous now? Rihanna or Beyonce?"
Of course, Seymour has no idea who these two people are so he's going to have to fake it. So he uses a collection of quotes about other people from wikipedia.
And so...
3. crazeedood916 (1) | 18 seconds ago |
Now Seymour knows about Beyonce and stuff.
If you want to join in or hear more of Seymour's "opinions," please click here. You'll earn him a billionth of a penny in the process. ^_^
Have fun kids,