Saturday, 7 June 2008

The thing about hardline Christians is...

I've been exploring facebook (because I'm supposed to be packing and I'm determined to procrastinate) when I stumbled upon an atheist group.

Being an athiest (or as Calum calls me, a reasonist) I decided to have a look and came across the following question: -

"I only joined a moment ago, and the first three discussion board topics are headed by religious people!
Why is this so? Are they even allowed to be in the group?"

It was a good question. I went looking and noticed that Christians (and I've noticed it's only Muslims, no Bhuddists, no Sikhs...just Christians) had been joining atheist groups to troll.

Of course, I must stress that this does not neccessarily represent the views of the majority of Christians. I know a fair few and they are peaceful, kind and mature folks. The kind of people who troll like this are in the minority.

However, despite the fact that they are the minorty, they're still shouting the loudest and they are the ones with the most influence and charisma to put forward their hardline views.

With that in mind, this is really about a minority of Christians who feel the need to attack atheists, who believe that homosexuality is evil, who believe that a book compiled centuries ago (and then edited and censored by a vatican who chose what went in based on the message they wanted to give out) for a literal account of the past despite the many contradictions.

It is these minds that trolled and went on the attack, as is what won't to do...

Anyhow, back to the question: -

"I only joined a moment ago, and the first three discussion board topics are headed by religious people!
Why is this so? Are they even allowed to be in the group?"

Well, I'll simply share my response, word for word...

"Personally, I think that evidence and scientific method are threatening to their beliefs and that scares the hell out of them, even if they're not conscious of it.

As a result they get angry and feel a overwhelming need to "defend" their faith.

Realising that their faith has been wasted and that, overall, organised-religion is dangerous is a big and frightening step and whilst I think that reason must win out in the end, I understand their fear and reluctance to accept this outcome.

It takes some convincing to get them to realise that right and wrong still applies if you're atheist, that being a good person is still a worthwhile thing to be, etc...So many times, I've had responses from Christians asking "How would you now right and wrong if you're not Christian?"

In short, it's hard not to pity religious folk sometimes and hardliners (such as the Westborough baptist church *See picketting the funerals of homosexuals*) are bloody the end we must be patient.

I'm confident that reason will eventually win out in the end. We're approaching our cultural and technological singularity, so hopefully we'll know within our lifetimes."

So there you have it.

If you don't know what I mean about the singularity, then click here. It's well worth reading.

That being said, it is my opinion that if anything could halt the curve of accelerating return, it'll be religion, greed and fear...greed and fear being the two main reasons for organised religion anyway.

Fear of death and hopelessness hooks the followers, whilst fear of non-conformity and hell is encouraged to them and the greed of those in charge keeps everything moving as these organisations get richer and gain more power and influence...all done through fear.

Anyway, I should really be packing so I'll be off now.

Have fun kids ^_^


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