Monday, 30 June 2008

A new project is underway!

Those following my D&D blog will be aware of a project I'm spearheading involving a new set of D20 rules.

I wanted to start a project by fans for fans, to make a better system than the ones out there at the moment. It would not only be a n improved system for current D&D 3.5 fans, but a basis for many fandom-based D20 games.

And so, a little time later; I have a shiny new forum and the member count is steadily increasing. Not only that, but I've been checking up on the legality of the project and so long as everything is declared as Open Content, with a copy of the license, we can make profit from it (if we need to). I doubt that we'd try to. How would you divide profit by so many people?

Still, knowing that we could is nice. The thing is, other publishers would be able to sell our stuff too, with it being Open Game Content. so prhaps we should attempt to sell a few anyway...maybe at conventions or something...

Oh well, it's not that important. What I'm more pleased with is the idea that this could be a good way to get in to proffesional writing. Not only that, but I'm taking my brother on as his agent. (Although he still needs some convincing, but I'll bring him round. Talking to people is something I'm good at.)

In the meantime though, I'm thoroughly skint.

I'm back up at my parent's place for a few weeks. I have a resit exam in august and I have to resit a few of my worse modules. This was mostly what I wanted, after all. Without going in to too much detail, last year was a rough time for me so things took a few turns for the worse.

The resits are certainly copable but they'll be pricey. so I have to find sufficient work to pay for going part time with my course...but I have to have enough time to actually do the course...which will be tricky.

I may see if I can churn out a radio play or two. There's always a demand for those.

I also need to badger the woman who's meant to be building my website for me. She took on the project before christmas. It's a good thing she didn't want me to pay her until it was finished...or maybe this is why. Perhaps she always knew she'd goof off or lose interest, or something.

Oh well. If anybody fancies designing a website for practically nothing, you let me know *sigh*.

Actually, since I'll be using it to host parts of the 3.S system, you'll be credited in the books as Web that should get your name out there if you're after some exposure.

I'm looking forward to being back home, in Stoke; especially with my -one-time housemate coming back to live with me. It's been a bad year and it was hard to not feel alone about it.

One issue concerned feelings for a lass, which in hindsight I was bloody foolish for having. I also happened to be suffering from depression at the time so the chemicals in my head were thoroughly against me.

One of my housemates at the time doesn't particularly like me (or that's the impression I get) and he wasn't particularly forgiving, so it was hard to talk to him. He got on with the lass in question better so he's living with her.

The other, I got on well with and he was supportive and thoughtful. He's moved away too and I'm going to miss him thoroughly. Lol, and he was kind enough to at least feign interest in some of my interests. Hee hee, bless him.

Still, I get my old-time housemate back. I've missed him terribly and he's always somehow been a pillar of chipperness and stability. We've got a new entry too, a lad we were with in halls. He was a very quiet lad when we knew him but he seems more confident. In either case, he's a sound bloke so I'm looking forward to living with him.

In even happier news, my landlord and I met and he's happy with me living there indefinetely. Which is just as well, because I adore that house (not to mention my sofa and bed).

Well, that's about all for this update kids. Tomorrow, I'll be sharing my thoughts on why Slugs are unnatural and clearly some kind of monster...


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