Friday, 12 September 2008

We Run This

The next protest occurs tomorrow. Check out this link for more information.

I'll not be there, sadly. I've managed to (finally) get another job and it's only my second shift so I'd be best working it. I'm going to have to work my arse off just to get back in to my overdraft and once I've done that I need to keep it high enough to cover the bank charges that will be coming out.

*Sigh* At least the student loan will help once that comes through. That wont be until early October-ish though, I think.

Back to the relevant stuff though, I intend on attending either the October protest or the November one (depending on funds and whatnot). I also intend on filming it.

This will hopefully lead in to a documentary so I'm going to have to get in touch with people for interviews but that's for a later time, methinks.

In the meantime though, I've got housework to do, so that will all have to wait.

Have fun kids and kidders,


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